How to Find a Good Real Estate Agent

This might shock you, but the most important thing you'll do on your home-buying journey is finding an excellent real estate broker.

They're responsible for stewarding your financial and legal well-being throughout the process. So don't skimp on this step. 

Finding the right match is super important, but how do you do it? 

First, ask around, and get recommendations from family or friends, because if your friend likes them, odds are you will like them too. 

If you can't find a referral from friends or family, try to find an agent who has done at least ten transactions in the last year, and make sure that they've sold at least two properties in the area you are most considering. 

Once you find three promising real estate agents, call them to schedule a time for coffee or grab margaritas, whatever floats your boat. 

If they aren't eager to meet you, I guarantee they aren't the right one.

When interviewing these potential real estate agents, keep these three questions in mind. 

Do they meet your communication needs?

If you want your agent to reply to your email quickly, you need to ensure that's what they're like.

 If you want to be laid back and only want to be communicative via text, find an agent who's ready for that. 

You don't need to commit to an agent right away. Start by establishing a rapport. See who's willing to get back to you on your desired schedule.

Does it seem like they want to be there? 

A good real estate agent isn't constantly looking at their phone or checking their watch. They make you feel like you are royalty. Their job is to listen to you, figure out your needs, and make them happen. 

Do you like them? 

You'll spend a lot of time talking to your real estate agent and touring homes during your home-buying journey. Selecting an agent whom you trust and whose personality meshes well with yours is key to guaranteeing an enjoyable transaction from start to finish.

If you like this person and trust their credentials, go with your gut. Find that right guy or girl, and go find a house.


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